Comprehensive Guide to Big Data Techniques in PHP
1. Handling Large-scale Datasets
A. Chunked Processing
Chunked processing is crucial when dealing with datasets that are too large to fit in memory. This technique involves processing data in smaller, manageable pieces.
Detailed Implementation:
Example of Chunked Processor
Copy class ChunkedProcessor {
private $chunkSize;
private $maxMemoryUsage;
private $logHandler;
// Adjusted the constructor to avoid type errors
public function __construct ($chunkSize = 1000 , $maxMemoryUsage = '256M' , LogHandler $logHandler = null ) {
$this -> chunkSize = $chunkSize;
$this -> maxMemoryUsage = $maxMemoryUsage;
$this -> logHandler = $logHandler ?? new LogHandler (); // Default if not provided
public function processLargeDataset ($filename , callable $processor) {
try {
// Validate and set memory limit
if ( ! ini_set ( 'memory_limit' , $this -> maxMemoryUsage ) ) {
throw new Exception ( "Failed to set memory limit." );
if ( ! file_exists ( $filename ) ) {
throw new Exception ( "File not found: $filename" );
$handle = fopen ( $filename , 'r' ) ;
if ($handle === false ) {
throw new Exception ( "Failed to open file: $filename" );
$stats = [
'processed_rows' => 0 ,
'failed_rows' => 0 ,
'start_time' => microtime ( true ),
'memory_peak' => 0
// Process file in chunks
while ( ! feof ( $handle ) ) {
try {
$chunk = [];
$count = 0 ;
// Build chunk
while ($count < $this -> chunkSize && ($line = fgets ( $handle ) ) !== false ) {
$decodedLine = json_decode ( $line , true ) ;
if ( json_last_error () === JSON_ERROR_NONE ) {
$chunk[] = $decodedLine;
} else {
$this -> logHandler -> warning ( "Failed to decode line: $line" ) ;
$stats[ 'failed_rows' ] ++ ;
$count ++ ;
// Process current chunk
$processor ($chunk);
// Update statistics
$stats[ 'processed_rows' ] += count ( $chunk ) ;
$stats[ 'memory_peak' ] = max ( $stats[ 'memory_peak' ] , memory_get_peak_usage ( true )) ;
// Log progress
$this -> logProgress ( $stats ) ;
// Clean up
unset ( $chunk ) ;
if ($stats[ 'processed_rows' ] % ( $this -> chunkSize * 10 ) === 0 ) {
gc_collect_cycles () ;
} catch ( Exception $e) {
$stats[ 'failed_rows' ] += count ( $chunk ) ;
$this -> logHandler -> error ( "Chunk processing failed: " . $e -> getMessage ()) ;
continue ;
fclose ( $handle ) ;
return $this -> generateReport ( $stats ) ;
} catch ( Exception $e) {
throw new Exception ( "Dataset processing failed: " . $e -> getMessage () );
private function logProgress ( array $stats) {
$memoryUsage = memory_get_usage ( true ) / 1024 / 1024 ;
$timeElapsed = microtime ( true ) - $stats[ 'start_time' ];
$rowsPerSecond = $stats[ 'processed_rows' ] / $timeElapsed;
$this -> logHandler -> info ( sprintf (
"Processed %d rows | Memory: %.2f MB | Speed: %.2f rows/sec" ,
$stats[ 'processed_rows' ] ,
$memoryUsage ,
)) ;
private function generateReport ( array $stats) {
return [
'total_processed' => $stats[ 'processed_rows' ] ,
'total_failed' => $stats[ 'failed_rows' ] ,
'memory_peak_mb' => $stats[ 'memory_peak' ] / 1024 / 1024 ,
'time_taken_sec' => microtime ( true ) - $stats[ 'start_time' ]
// Example of usage
class LogHandler {
public function info ($message) {
echo "INFO: $message\n" ;
public function error ($message) {
echo "ERROR: $message\n" ;
public function warning ($message) {
echo "WARNING: $message\n" ;
Example of Use:
Copy $logHandler = new LogHandler ();
$processor = new ChunkedProcessor ( 1000 , '512M' , $logHandler);
$result = $processor -> processLargeDataset ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/large_data.json' , function ($chunk) {
// Custom processing logic for each chunk
foreach ($chunk as $data) {
// Simulate processing (e.g., database insert, API call, etc.)
echo "Processing: " . json_encode ( $data ) . "\n" ;
} ) ;
echo "\n\n" ;
print_r ( $result ) ;
Key Benefits:
Memory efficient: Only loads a small portion of data at a time
Fault tolerant: Errors in one chunk don't affect others
Progress tracking: Enables monitoring of long-running processes
Resource management: Regular garbage collection prevents memory leaks
B. Generator Functions
Generators provide a memory-efficient way to iterate over large datasets by yielding values one at a time.
Example of Dataset Generator
Copy class DatasetGenerator {
private $bufferSize;
public function __construct ($bufferSize = 8192 ) {
$this -> bufferSize = $bufferSize;
public function readLargeFile ($filename) {
$handle = fopen ( $filename , 'r' ) ;
while ( ! feof ( $handle ) ) {
$buffer = fread ( $handle , $this -> bufferSize ) ;
$lines = explode ( "\n" , $buffer ) ;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if ( trim ( $line ) !== '' ) {
yield json_decode ( $line , true ) ;
fclose ( $handle ) ;
public function processBatchedData ($filename , $batchSize = 100 ) {
$batch = [];
foreach ( $this -> readLargeFile ( $filename ) as $item) {
$batch[] = $item;
if ( count ( $batch ) >= $batchSize) {
yield $batch;
$batch = [];
if ( ! empty ( $batch ) ) {
yield $batch;
Example of Use:
Copy // Instantiate the DatasetGenerator with an optional buffer size
// You can set the buffer size here or use the default
$generator = new DatasetGenerator ( 4096 );
// Specify the path to the large file
$filename = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/large_data.json' ;
// Process the file in batches of 100 items
foreach ($generator -> processBatchedData ( $filename , 100 ) as $batch) {
// Perform processing on each batch (e.g., save to a database or further transform data)
foreach ($batch as $item) {
// Example of handling each item in the batch
echo 'Processing item: ' . json_encode ( $item ) . PHP_EOL ;
// Add your specific logic here, such as inserting data into a database or validating items
2. Distributed Storage Systems
A. HDFS Integration
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a core component of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem, designed to handle the storage and distribution of massive datasets across a network of commodity hardware. It is optimized for storing large files and is engineered to deliver high throughput access to application data, making it well-suited for batch processing and big data applications.
Key characteristics of HDFS include:
Scalability : HDFS can handle petabytes of data by spreading it across many machines, making it highly scalable. It supports clusters with thousands of nodes.
Fault Tolerance : HDFS replicates data blocks across multiple nodes to ensure data reliability and resiliency against hardware failures.
High Throughput : Optimized for high data throughput, HDFS enables quick data transfer for tasks that require streaming access patterns, where data is read in large sequential chunks.
Data Locality : HDFS is designed to move computations to where data is stored, reducing network congestion and improving processing speeds.
Typical use cases for HDFS include data warehousing, machine learning, log processing, and any application that requires storage of large-scale data. HDFS forms the foundation for other Hadoop ecosystem tools like MapReduce, YARN, and Apache Hive, enabling a complete solution for distributed data processing and analysis.
Official website:
Example of HDFS Manager
Copy class HDFSManager {
private $webhdfsClient;
private $configuration;
public function __construct ( array $config) {
$this -> configuration = $config;
$this -> webhdfsClient = new WebHDFSClient ($config[ 'namenode_host' ] ,
$config[ 'namenode_port' ]);
public function writeFile ($localPath , $hdfsPath , $replication = 3 ) {
try {
// Create file with specified replication
$response = $this -> webhdfsClient -> create ( $hdfsPath , [
'overwrite' => 'true' ,
'replication' => $replication ,
'blocksize' => $this -> configuration[ 'block_size' ]
] ) ;
// Stream file content
$handle = fopen ( $localPath , 'r' ) ;
while ( ! feof ( $handle ) ) {
$chunk = fread ( $handle , 8192 ) ;
$this -> webhdfsClient -> append ( $hdfsPath , $chunk ) ;
fclose ( $handle ) ;
return [
'status' => 'success' ,
'path' => $hdfsPath ,
'size' => filesize ( $localPath )
} catch ( Exception $e) {
throw new HDFSException ( "Failed to write file: " . $e -> getMessage () );
public function readFile ($hdfsPath , $processor) {
try {
$metadata = $this -> webhdfsClient -> getFileStatus ( $hdfsPath ) ;
$blockSize = $metadata[ 'blockSize' ];
$fileSize = $metadata[ 'length' ];
// Read file in blocks
for ($offset = 0 ; $offset < $fileSize; $offset += $blockSize) {
$data = $this -> webhdfsClient -> read ( $hdfsPath , $offset , $blockSize ) ;
$processor ($data);
} catch ( Exception $e) {
throw new HDFSException ( "Failed to read file: " . $e -> getMessage () );
B. Object Storage Implementation
Object storage systems are designed to store and manage large amounts of unstructured data, such as images, videos, and backups, by storing data as discrete units (objects) instead of traditional file hierarchies. Implementing an object storage solution with features like multipart uploads and retry logic enhances the system’s reliability, efficiency, and fault tolerance. Here’s how these features work in practice:
Key Features of Object Storage Implementation
Multipart Uploads :
Multipart uploads enable the storage system to break large files into smaller parts and upload them independently. Each part is uploaded individually, and once all parts are uploaded, they are combined into a single object.
This approach reduces the risk of upload failures on large files, as only the individual part needs re-uploading if a failure occurs, rather than the entire file.
Multipart uploads are especially beneficial for uploading large files over unstable networks, where uploading in chunks ensures that network interruptions do not require restarting the entire process.
Examples of object storage systems that support multipart uploads include Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, and Google Cloud Storage.
Retry Logic :
Retry logic is a mechanism to automatically attempt the upload or download of an object again if an error or interruption occurs. This is essential for maintaining data integrity and ensuring that operations complete successfully even in cases of temporary issues, like network instability or server errors.
A typical implementation will have a set number of retries and a delay between attempts, which might increase gradually (exponential backoff) to avoid server overload.
Retry logic is crucial for operations that need to ensure data availability and consistency, and it can be configured to handle various error types, such as connection timeouts or service unavailability.
Example of a robust object storage system integration with features like multipart uploads and retry logic.
Example of Object Storage Manager
Copy class ObjectStorageManager {
private $client;
private $retryAttempts;
private $retryDelay;
public function __construct ( S3Client $client , $retryAttempts = 3 , $retryDelay = 1 ) {
$this -> client = $client;
$this -> retryAttempts = $retryAttempts;
$this -> retryDelay = $retryDelay;
public function uploadLargeFile ($bucket , $key , $filepath) {
try {
// Initialize multipart upload
$upload = $this -> client -> createMultipartUpload ( [
'Bucket' => $bucket ,
'Key' => $key ,
'ServerSideEncryption' => 'AES256'
] ) ;
$uploadId = $upload[ 'UploadId' ];
$parts = [];
// Calculate optimal part size
$filesize = filesize ( $filepath ) ;
$partSize = max (
ceil ( $filesize / 10000 ), // Ensure we don't exceed max parts
5 * 1024 * 1024 // Minimum 5MB part size
) ;
// Upload parts with retry logic
$handle = fopen ( $filepath , 'r' ) ;
$partNumber = 1 ;
while ( ! feof ( $handle ) ) {
$partData = fread ( $handle , $partSize ) ;
$result = $this -> retryOperation ( function () use ($bucket , $key , $uploadId , $partNumber , $partData) {
return $this -> client -> uploadPart ( [
'Bucket' => $bucket ,
'Key' => $key ,
'UploadId' => $uploadId ,
'PartNumber' => $partNumber ,
'Body' => $partData
] ) ;
} ) ;
$parts[] = [
'PartNumber' => $partNumber ,
'ETag' => $result[ 'ETag' ]
$partNumber ++ ;
fclose ( $handle ) ;
// Complete upload
$result = $this -> client -> completeMultipartUpload ( [
'Bucket' => $bucket ,
'Key' => $key ,
'UploadId' => $uploadId ,
'MultipartUpload' => [ 'Parts' => $parts]
] ) ;
return $result;
} catch ( Exception $e) {
// Abort upload on failure
if ( isset ( $uploadId ) ) {
$this -> client -> abortMultipartUpload ( [
'Bucket' => $bucket ,
'Key' => $key ,
'UploadId' => $uploadId
] ) ;
throw new ObjectStorageException ( "Upload failed: " . $e -> getMessage () );
private function retryOperation ( callable $operation) {
$lastException = null ;
for ($attempt = 1 ; $attempt <= $this -> retryAttempts; $attempt ++ ) {
try {
return $operation ();
} catch ( Exception $e) {
$lastException = $e;
if ($attempt < $this -> retryAttempts) {
sleep ( $this -> retryDelay * $attempt ) ;
throw $lastException;
3. Sharding Strategies
A. Range-Based Sharding
This strategy distributes data based on ranges of a key value.
Example of Range Shard Manager
Copy class RangeShardManager {
private $shardMap;
private $ranges;
public function __construct ( array $shardConfig) {
$this -> initializeShards ( $shardConfig ) ;
private function initializeShards ( array $config) {
// Example config:
// [
// ['range' => [0, 1000000], 'connection' => 'shard1'],
// ['range' => [1000001, 2000000], 'connection' => 'shard2'],
// ]
foreach ($config as $shard) {
$this -> ranges[] = $shard[ 'range' ];
$this -> shardMap[] = $this -> getConnection ( $shard[ 'connection' ] ) ;
public function getShardForKey ($key) {
foreach ( $this -> ranges as $index => $range) {
if ($key >= $range[ 0 ] && $key <= $range[ 1 ]) {
return $this -> shardMap[$index];
throw new ShardingException ( "No shard found for key: $key" );
public function executeAcrossShards ( callable $operation) {
$results = [];
foreach ( $this -> shardMap as $shard) {
try {
$results[] = $operation ($shard);
} catch ( Exception $e) {
// Log error but continue with other shards
error_log ( "Shard operation failed: " . $e -> getMessage ()) ;
return $results;
B. Consistent Hashing
Implements consistent hashing for better distribution and rebalancing.
Example of Consistent Hash Ring
Copy class ConsistentHashRing {
private $nodes = [];
private $positions = [];
private $replicas = 64 ;
public function addNode ($node) {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $this -> replicas; $i ++ ) {
$hash = $this -> hash ( $node . $i ) ;
$this -> positions[$hash] = $node;
ksort ( $this -> positions ) ;
$this -> nodes[] = $node;
public function removeNode ($node) {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $this -> replicas; $i ++ ) {
$hash = $this -> hash ( $node . $i ) ;
unset ( $this -> positions[$hash] ) ;
$index = array_search ( $node , $this -> nodes ) ;
unset ( $this -> nodes[$index] ) ;
public function getNode ($key) {
if ( empty ( $this -> positions ) ) {
return null ;
$hash = $this -> hash ( $key ) ;
foreach ( $this -> positions as $position => $node) {
if ($hash <= $position) {
return $node;
// Wrap around to first node
return reset ( $this -> positions ) ;
private function hash ($key) {
return crc32 ( $key ) ;
4. Data Processing Patterns
A. Map-Reduce Implementation
Custom implementation of map-reduce pattern for PHP.
Example of Map Reduce Framework
Copy <? php
* A comprehensive MapReduce Framework implementation for PHP
* Handles large-scale data processing with parallel execution support
class MapReduceFramework {
private $mappers = [];
private $reducer;
private $combiner;
private $partitioner;
private $maxWorkers;
private $logger;
private $errorHandler;
* MapReduceFramework constructor.
* @param int $maxWorkers Maximum number of parallel workers
* @param LoggerInterface $logger Logger implementation
public function __construct (
int $maxWorkers = 4 ,
LoggerInterface $logger = null
) {
$this -> maxWorkers = $maxWorkers;
$this -> logger = $logger ?? new NullLogger ();
$this -> errorHandler = function ($error) {
$this -> logger -> error ( "MapReduce error: " . $error -> getMessage ()) ;
throw $error;
* Add a mapper function to the processing pipeline
* @param callable $mapper Function that takes a single input and returns key-value pairs
* @return self
public function addMapper ( callable $mapper) : self {
$this -> mappers[] = $mapper;
return $this ;
* Set the reducer function
* @param callable $reducer Function that processes grouped values for a key
* @return self
public function setReducer ( callable $reducer) : self {
$this -> reducer = $reducer;
return $this ;
* Set a combiner for local aggregation before shuffle
* @param callable $combiner Function to combine mapper outputs locally
* @return self
public function setCombiner ( callable $combiner) : self {
$this -> combiner = $combiner;
return $this ;
* Set a custom partitioner for data distribution
* @param callable $partitioner Function to determine partition for a key
* @return self
public function setPartitioner ( callable $partitioner) : self {
$this -> partitioner = $partitioner;
return $this ;
* Process the input data through the MapReduce pipeline
* @param Iterator | array $data Input data
* @return array Processed results
* @throws MapReduceException
public function process ($data) : array {
try {
$this -> validateConfiguration () ;
// Map Phase
$this -> logger -> info ( "Starting Map phase" ) ;
$mappedData = $this -> executeMapPhase ( $data ) ;
// Combine Phase (optional)
if ( $this -> combiner) {
$this -> logger -> info ( "Starting Combine phase" ) ;
$mappedData = $this -> executeCombinePhase ( $mappedData ) ;
// Shuffle Phase
$this -> logger -> info ( "Starting Shuffle phase" ) ;
$shuffledData = $this -> executeShufflePhase ( $mappedData ) ;
// Reduce Phase
$this -> logger -> info ( "Starting Reduce phase" ) ;
$result = $this -> executeReducePhase ( $shuffledData ) ;
$this -> logger -> info ( "MapReduce job completed successfully" ) ;
return $result;
} catch ( Exception $e) {
( $this -> errorHandler)($e);
* Execute the map phase, potentially in parallel
* @param Iterator | array $data Input data
* @return array Mapped data
private function executeMapPhase ($data) : array {
$mappedData = [];
$chunks = $this -> chunkData ( $data , $this -> maxWorkers ) ;
if ( $this -> maxWorkers > 1 && function_exists ( 'pcntl_fork' ) ) {
$mappedData = $this -> parallelMap ( $chunks ) ;
} else {
$mappedData = $this -> serialMap ( $chunks ) ;
return $mappedData;
* Execute mapping in parallel using process forking
* @param array $chunks Chunked input data
* @return array Mapped results
private function parallelMap ( array $chunks) : array {
$sharedMemKey = ftok ( __FILE__ , 'm' ) ;
$sharedMem = shmop_open ( $sharedMemKey , "c" , 0644 , 1024 * 1024 ) ;
$pids = [];
$chunkResults = [];
foreach ($chunks as $i => $chunk) {
$pid = pcntl_fork () ;
if ($pid == - 1 ) {
throw new MapReduceException ( "Failed to fork process" );
} elseif ($pid) {
// Parent process
$pids[] = $pid;
} else {
// Child process
try {
$result = $this -> serialMap ( [$chunk] ) ;
shmop_write ( $sharedMem , serialize ( $result ), $i * 1024 ) ;
exit ( 0 );
} catch ( Exception $e) {
exit ( 1 );
// Wait for all child processes
foreach ($pids as $pid) {
pcntl_waitpid ( $pid , $status ) ;
if ( ! pcntl_wifexited ( $status ) || pcntl_wexitstatus ( $status ) != 0 ) {
throw new MapReduceException ( "Child process failed" );
// Collect results
$mappedData = [];
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count ( $chunks ) ; $i ++ ) {
$data = unserialize ( shmop_read ( $sharedMem , $i * 1024 , 1024 )) ;
$mappedData = array_merge ( $mappedData , $data ) ;
shmop_delete ( $sharedMem ) ;
shmop_close ( $sharedMem ) ;
return $mappedData;
* Execute mapping serially
* @param array $chunks Chunked input data
* @return array Mapped results
private function serialMap ( array $chunks) : array {
$mappedData = [];
foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
foreach ($chunk as $item) {
foreach ( $this -> mappers as $mapper) {
$result = $mapper ($item);
if ( ! empty ( $result ) ) {
$mappedData = array_merge ( $mappedData , $result ) ;
return $mappedData;
* Execute the combine phase for local aggregation
* @param array $mappedData Mapped data
* @return array Combined data
private function executeCombinePhase ( array $mappedData) : array {
$combinedData = [];
foreach ($mappedData as $item) {
foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
if ( ! isset ( $combinedData[$key] ) ) {
$combinedData[$key] = [];
$combinedData[$key][] = $value;
$result = [];
foreach ($combinedData as $key => $values) {
$result[$key] = ( $this -> combiner)($key , $values);
return $result;
* Execute the shuffle phase to group data by key
* @param array $mappedData Mapped/Combined data
* @return array Shuffled data
private function executeShufflePhase ( array $mappedData) : array {
$shuffled = [];
foreach ($mappedData as $item) {
foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
$partition = $this -> getPartition ( $key ) ;
if ( ! isset ( $shuffled[$partition][$key] ) ) {
$shuffled[$partition][$key] = [];
$shuffled[$partition][$key][] = $value;
return $shuffled;
* Execute the reduce phase
* @param array $shuffledData Shuffled data
* @return array Reduced results
private function executeReducePhase ( array $shuffledData) : array {
$result = [];
foreach ($shuffledData as $partition => $data) {
foreach ($data as $key => $values) {
$result[$key] = ( $this -> reducer)($key , $values);
return $result;
* Get partition for a key using the partitioner
* @param mixed $key
* @return int Partition number
private function getPartition ($key) : int {
if ( $this -> partitioner) {
return ( $this -> partitioner)($key , $this -> maxWorkers);
return abs ( crc32 ( serialize ( $key ))) % $this -> maxWorkers;
* Chunk input data for parallel processing
* @param Iterator | array $data Input data
* @param int $numChunks Number of chunks
* @return array Chunked data
private function chunkData ($data , int $numChunks) : array {
if ( is_array ( $data ) ) {
return array_chunk ( $data , ceil ( count ( $data ) / $numChunks )) ;
$chunks = array_fill ( 0 , $numChunks , [] ) ;
$i = 0 ;
foreach ($data as $item) {
$chunks[$i % $numChunks][] = $item;
$i ++ ;
return $chunks;
* Validate MapReduce configuration
* @throws MapReduceException
private function validateConfiguration () : void {
if ( empty ( $this -> mappers ) ) {
throw new MapReduceException ( "No mappers configured" );
if ( ! $this -> reducer) {
throw new MapReduceException ( "No reducer configured" );
* Custom exception for MapReduce operations
class MapReduceException extends Exception {}
* Example usage:
// Word count example
$wordCount = new MapReduceFramework ();
// Add mapper to split text into words
$wordCount -> addMapper ( function ($text) {
$words = str_word_count ( strtolower ( $text ), 1 ) ;
$result = [];
foreach ($words as $word) {
$result[] = [$word => 1 ];
return $result;
} ) ;
// Set reducer to sum counts
$wordCount -> setReducer ( function ($key , $values) {
return array_sum ( $values ) ;
} ) ;
// Optional: Add combiner for local aggregation
$wordCount -> setCombiner ( function ($key , $values) {
return array_sum ( $values ) ;
} ) ;
// Optional: Custom partitioner
$wordCount -> setPartitioner ( function ($key , $numPartitions) {
return abs ( crc32 ( $key )) % $numPartitions;
} ) ;
// Process sample data
$texts = [
"Hello world hello" ,
"World of MapReduce" ,
"Hello MapReduce world"
$result = $wordCount -> process ( $texts ) ;
print_r ( $result ) ;
// Example output:
// Array
// (
// [hello] => 3
// [world] => 3
// [of] => 1
// [mapreduce] => 2
// )
* Advanced Example: Log Analysis
class LogAnalyzer {
public static function analyze ( array $logs) {
$mapReduce = new MapReduceFramework ( 8 ); // Use 8 workers
// Map each log entry to [ip_address => response_size]
$mapReduce -> addMapper ( function ($logLine) {
if ( preg_match ( '/(\d + \.\d + \.\d + \.\d + ). * ?(\d + ) $ /' , $logLine , $matches ) ) {
return [$matches[ 1 ] => ( int )$matches[ 2 ]];
return [];
} ) ;
// Combine local results
$mapReduce -> setCombiner ( function ($key , $values) {
return [
'count' => count ( $values ),
'total_size' => array_sum ( $values )
} ) ;
// Reduce to get final statistics
$mapReduce -> setReducer ( function ($key , $values) {
$totalCount = 0 ;
$totalSize = 0 ;
foreach ($values as $value) {
$totalCount += $value[ 'count' ];
$totalSize += $value[ 'total_size' ];
return [
'ip' => $key ,
'requests' => $totalCount ,
'total_size' => $totalSize ,
'avg_size' => $totalSize / $totalCount
} ) ;
return $mapReduce -> process ( $logs ) ;
// Example usage of log analyzer:
$logs = [
' - - [01/Jan/2024:00:00:01] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1024' ,
' - - [01/Jan/2024:00:00:02] "GET /image.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 2048' ,
' - - [01/Jan/2024:00:00:03] "GET /style.css HTTP/1.1" 200 512'
$stats = LogAnalyzer :: analyze ( $logs ) ;
print_r ( $stats ) ;
// Example output:
// Array
// (
// [] => Array
// (
// [ip] =>
// [requests] => 2
// [total_size] => 1536
// [avg_size] => 768
// )
// [] => Array
// (
// [ip] =>
// [requests] => 1
// [total_size] => 2048
// [avg_size] => 2048
// )
// )